Lymphedema vs. Lipedema

This page highlights factors that distinguish lymphedema from lipedema.

Keep in mind that it is possible to have both lymphedema, lipedema, and obesity, see Photos of Lymphedema and Lipedema for examples. Combinations of lipedema or lymphedema with less common adipose tissue disorders, such as Dercum’s disease or multiple symmetric lipomatosis, are also possibilities.

Table 1: Signs by Body Area
Head and NeckMay have swelling, rarely symmetricalSpared initially; abnormal scalp fat with a spongy feel in Stage 4
ArmsSwelling, then fat, rarely symmetricalSymmetrical nodular fat on triceps, biceps, forearm
HandsSwelling, then fatSpared initially; fat at the base of the thumb and between the knuckles in Stage 4
BreastsLocalized edemaCan be edematous if overweight
AbdomenSwelling, fat, panniculusSwelling, fat below umbilicus initially, later above umbilicus; panniculus if overweight
TrunkLocalized edemaIncreased fat, localized edema in later stages
GenitalsMay swellSwell in later stages
LegsSwelling, then fat, rarely symmetricalSymmetrical fat initially; fatty extrusions especially around the knees in Stage 2 and 3
Feet and ToesSwelling, then fat, rarely symmetrical Spared initially (harem pants), fat in Stage 4

Table 2: Lymphedema vs. Lipedema
Fat distributionRarely symmetricalSymmetrical
Fat textureNormalSmall nodules initially, with larger nodules later
Abnormal fat locationsFeet and legs, arm, trunkLegs (hip to ankle) and/or arms, scalp in Stage 4
OnsetBirth, puberty, or laterPuberty, by third decade
Sex predominanceBoth SexesMostly Female
Painful fatNo, may have pain from swelling, tight skinYes, touch sensitive, chronic pain
Broken blood vesselsRareCommon, bruises easily
Pitting edemaPitting in early stages; becomes non-pitting laterMinimal pitting
Leg swelling progressionSwelling increases from the feet up or trunk downStops at ankle and feet are spared initially; feet swell in Stage 4

Portions adapted from Lymphedema and Lipedema Nutrition Guide, Lymph Notes 2016 by permission of the publisher.